Berbicara mengenai vendor Apple memang sepertinya akan tidak ada habisnya. Vendor ini memang begitu terkenal dengan barang-barangnya yang berkelas premium. Selain gadget, Apple juga memiliki sebuah laptop yang disebut dengan MacBook. Pertama kali MacBook ini dikenalkan di tahun 2006, dan bisa di tebak walaupun harga MacBook memang sangat berkelas, namun banyak sekali orang yang menginginkannya.
Hingga saat ini harga terbaru MacBook begitu di cari-cari. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari teknologi yang diberikan oleh MacBook sendiri, contohnya seperti pengelolaan daya yang begitu canggih. Tidak menyerupai kebanyakan PC yang berbasis sistem lain, untuk MacBook Air ini menggunakan berbagai komponen yang sangat hemat energi, begitu selaras dengan SO yang di buah sebagai penghemat daya. Demi menyeimbangkan tugas, pada kedua prosesor serta prosesor grafis sangat di hemat penggunaan daya seperti ketika Anda mengetik.
Berikut spesifikasi unggulan yang dimiliki oleh MacBook, antara lain:
1. Layar. Layar pada MacBook Air di dukung dengan resolusi sebesar 1366x768. Tentu resolusi yang sangat pas untuk ukuran laptop notbook,
2. Penyimpanan. Memory penyimpanan yang dimilikinya sebesar 128GB, serta penyimpanan flas sebesar 128 GB, dengan basis PCIe,
3. Prosesor. Di dukung dengan core i5, dual-core. Dengan cache L3 sebesar 3 MB,
4. Daya batre. Untuk daya baterai, MacBook ini mampu di gunakan untuk mengoperasikan web nirkabel sampai 9 jam, memutar film selama 10 jam, siaga hingga 30 hari.
Memang, penyimpanan flash membantu MacBook Air ini begitu tipis serta ringan. hanya kurang dari 2,5 serta berat sekitar 1 kg. Flas juga berperan sebagai posisi yang begitu solid, sehingga tidak ada bagian yang mudah bergerak, dan membuatnya begitu handal, awet serta tanpa suara. Untuk harga MacBook air seri MD 223 ialah 11,100,000 dan seri MD 232 sebesar 15,773,000. Memang harga yang tergolong cukup fantastis. Bila Anda ingin membeli dengan harga yang sangat sesuai, dan keamanan yang terjamin, Anda bisa mendapatkannya di Blibli.
I am Hwa Jurong, a Private Money Lender do you need a loan to start up business or to pay your bills and a corporate financial for real estate and any kinds of business financing. I also offer Loans to individuals,Firms and corporate bodies at 2% interest rate. I give out loan to serious minded people that are interested of loan if interested contact this email: or
BalasHapusI am Hwa Jurong, a Private Money Lender do you need a loan to start up business or to pay your bills and a corporate financial for real estate and any kinds of business financing. I also offer Loans to individuals,Firms and corporate bodies at 2% interest rate. I give out loan to serious minded people that are interested of loan if interested contact this email: or
BalasHapusUniversal Funding Group is a Private Money Lender and an Investment Group that has multiple investors. We provide all kind of loans locally & internationally to individual and companies that are in need of financial support.
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Interested individual OR companies should contact us for more information or how to apply via
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We await your responds! Thanks.
BalasHapusBe careful here. Nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get financial help. most answer of a loan lender here, you MUST ignore,because they are SCAMS…real SCAMS…i was a victim of which i was ripped thousands of dollars…well thank God for a Christian sister who referred me to a loan organization formed by some Christian Women Trust Fund. it is called Christian women Trust-funds Cooperative Organization(C.W.T.C.O) They made my life a valuable one and gave it a meaning. When the sister gave me their contact, I contacted them. Then I requested for a loan with all the necessary evidence to prove that I actually needed a loan, they approved a loan of $250,000.00 USD in 48 hours after meeting up to their necessary requirements, my loan was deposited in my bank account without collateral. Though i was very nervous with the loan organization at first due to my previous bad experiences, especially when the issue of me settling the Registration charges came up, I hold on to my faith due to the fact that my relative referred me, got it cleared,and as God should have it, little did I know that my financial shortcomings has come to a final end. If not for that quick referral from a christian sister to this genuine source ,I would have regretted my total life,because at that point in time i just divorced the father of my son, and my son (Kennett) was faced with a life and death situation. I was faced with his hospital bills and i was also faced with foreclosure at my apartment. Details of this GOD-SENT organization won’t be disclose for now for fear of impersonation ( because it has been discovered that some persons are not really in need of financial help, but they just want to collect money from this genuine christian loan organization). And it is because of this reason they don,t give out loan anyhow. You must be able to convince them very well, and provide good proofs to show that you really need a loan before they can approve it for you. Their charge is very affordable and reliable compare to many out there,their interest rates is just 4%, from 1-10years repayment little documentation,and little credit check. As i have earlier said, for security reasons i can only provide their email address. Embrace this new initiative.Feel free to contact them via Email as their loan officer/rep sir Perry smith will attend to you and you will be free from scams and financial burdens.
Contact Phone.....+233237842361